Donating to the Somme Nursing Home.

The importance of donations

As a registered charity, The Somme Nursing Home relies on the continuing generosity of the main Service charities and many groups/individuals whose donations help us provide for ex-Service people now and in the future. Leaving a gift through your will would make a reral difference to the quality of life we can provide for our ex-Service men and women.
Donate on-line now

Every penny counts

You don’t need to leave a lot of money to make a difference. Every gift, small or large, helps us care for veterans who sacrifice so much and who deserve the best care in return. Many young men and women who serve our country today with pride and courage may not need our help now – but they will in the future.

Donation From NI Branch of the MG Owners’ Club

At the Annual General Meeting of the NI Branch of the MG Owners’ Club three charities, including the Somme Nursing Home, benefitted from a donation of £1000 each, raised by the Club. 

Pictured on the right is the widow of a Club member who donated two cars for restoration, sale of which added to monies raised by Club members by ballots and other events.  It is hoped that the Home will host a rally of the Club in spring to thank the members for their kindness and generosity in selecting us as a supported charity.

How legacies help people

Legacies help us provide further beds, specialist carers and equipment and to extend our recreational programme to benefit all our veterans. Independence is precious to the people we care for and your gift can help us purchase specialised equipment which allows greater access to mobility.
When the time is right for you to consider a charity in your will, please remember The Somme and the work it does

Types of Legacy

There are three main types of legacy.


where the legacy is expressed as a percentage or remainder of your estate after expenses and other gifts have been deducted.


a gift of a specified amount of money.


where a particular item – such as property, jewellery, or shares is bequeathed.

Other Options

You might also consider a reversionary legacy – or lifetime gift. This could be appropriate if you need to ensure that relatives or friends are provided for after you die. You can leave your house or income for their benefit during their lifetime. On their death, the property or any remaining income can be passed to the Home.
Your solicitor can provide more detailed information about legacies.

Information for your will

If you do decide to leave a gift to The Somme Nursing Home in your will, these are the details your solicitor will need:

Our name:                              The Somme Nursing Home
Address:                                  121 Circular Road , Belfast. BT4 2NA
Charity Number:                Registered with The Charity Commission Northern Ireland NIC101793

Did you know that you can donate on-line right now through "Just Giving"
all donations no matter how small are most welcome.

The Somme Nursing Home
Registered with The Charity Commission Northern Ireland NIC101793
