Here are most Frequently asked questions please check here first and if you cannot find the answer you are looking for then you should may either telephone us on 028) 9076 3044 or alternatively please use our contact us page to send an email

How do I qualify for a bed in the Home?

Any ex serving member of HM armed forces, PSNI/RUC, Fire and Prison service and their spouses are eligible to apply.

Is there a waiting list?

Yes, we have a waiting list and priority will always go to ex HM forces first and foremost. We review our waiting list regularly and some people on the list are not always ready to come into the home – they remain on the list but any availability then moves to the next person on the list.

My relative has dementia – can they still come into the home?

We are not registered with the RQIA to admit anyone who has late onset dementia where they may be a risk to themselves or to others. Our environment is open so as our residents are free to come and go and enjoy the surroundings and we are unable to provide close supervision or secure units like a dementia unit would. Early onset or mild dementia which affects short term memory is within our scope or practice but all residents wishing to come into the home has to undergo a pre admission assessment from a qualified nurse first so as we can determine weather we can fully meet a persons needs prior to any decision to admit is made.

Can I have visitors?

Yes – we have an open visiting policy so as you can enjoy quality family time at any time. We do ask though, for the sake of other residents, that visiting is kept to a minimum at meal times as this can be quite off putting to some residents who may require a degree of assistance in the dining area. You are welcome to receive visitors in your room at any time.

Can we bring dogs into the home?

We are all animal lovers here and dogs are an excellent therapy – fresh water is available for our doggie friends in the foyer and you can give them plenty of exercise in the large field at the front of the home. We do ask though that all dogs are kept on their leads as some residents may be a bit fearful no matter how friendly your dog is!

My relative has been told they qualify for residential care – can they still come to The Somme?

There are different categories of care with RQIA, Residential, Nursing and Dementia are just a few. If someone has been told they are residential this usually means that they do not have needs which warrant 24 hour care from a qualified nurse. We are not able to admit anyone being paid for by the Trust who has been assessed as needing residential care. If someone with residential needs is funding their own care, again, subject to pre admission assessment, we are able to offer a place.

What do I do if I’m not happy with any aspect of the home or my care?

We take all comments and complaints very seriously and aim to rectify everything we can as soon as possible. You can speak to whichever member of staff you feel most comfortable with and they can advocate on your behalf or, you can approach one of the senior nurses, or the Nurse Manager at any time. All matters are treated with confidence, tact and diplomacy.

Who are / What is the RQIA?

The Regulatory Quality and Improvement Authority (RQIA) govern all aspects of every care establishment in Northern Ireland. They are a regulatory body who enforce standards set by The Department of Health and inspect homes against these standards by way of unannounced visits. They produce reports based on their findings and any areas of improvement or recommendations are given to the home manager to rectify within a set time frame. All inspection reports are freely available online for anyone to view at any time.

Do you provide televisions and internet access?

We ask all residents coming into the home permanently to provide their own television. People coming in just for a short break can avail of one of our own Televisions for short term use. We are not allowed to wall mount any televisions for Health and Safety purposes. There is free access to Wi-Fi throughout the home for all residents and visitors.

I still drive a car, are there car parking facilities for me?

Yes- there is ample care parking outside the home as well as disabled car parking. The home cannot accept any liability though for any damage to any vehicle parked within the grounds.

How can I make a donation to Somme Nursing Home?

As a registered charity, The Somme Nursing Home relies on the continuing generosity of the main Service charities and many groups/individuals whose donations help us provide for ex-Service people now and in the future.  Leaving a gift through your will would make a real difference to the quality of life we can provide for our ex-Service men and women.

For more information on how to make a donation visit our Donate Page 

The Somme Nursing Home
Registered with The Charity Commission Northern Ireland NIC101793